If you have been sent a coupon code and are unable to use it during checkout, please use this guide to troubleshoot.
- Does your order contain a Bundle Deal? Orders that contain bundles cannot have coupons applied to them due to the bundling software we utilize. We are sorry for the inconvenience! Once your order has processed, please email our customer service team at info@Groennfell.com to be refunded for your coupon value.
- Has your coupon code expired? Most of our coupons have a lengthy expiration date applied, but once in awhile our flash deals have limited time availability. If you are unsure if your coupon has expired, feel free to contact us at info@Groennfell.com.
- Are you using the same email address at checkout that your coupon code was sent to? Our coupons are tied to one email address at a time, so please ensure that you are using the email address your code was sent to during the checkout process. If you would like the code to be applied to an alternative email address for any reason, please feel free to ask us at info@Groennfell.com.
- Has this code been used before? Our coupon codes are set to be one use per customer. If you are unsure if your code has been used, or if it was used in error, please connect with us at info@Groennfell.com!
- Is your code a Gift Card? Gift cards and coupon codes function separately in the checkout process. A gift card will reduce the total of your order regardless of if a bundle deal is active, where a coupon code cannot function alongside an active bundle deal. If you require assistance determining what kind of code you have, please reach out to us at info@Groennfell.com.